Safe & Secure Food

A way to healthy farm production system​

Environment Friendly Technologies, Safety of Farm Families, Quality Harvest and Sustainable Food Production

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Let's Make Farm Fields Life Friendly

Environment Friendly Highly Efficient Products​


Nature's Bounty to Secure Plant Health​

Innovative Solutions

Revive Soil Health, Flora & Fauna, with Productivity Enhancement Plans ​

Climate Resilience

Crop Management with Green Technologies to Mitigate Losses​

Certified Experts

A Team of Sector Specialists Holding International Credentials, Strengthen Farm Services and Entire Value Chain

Advisory Services

Production Technologies, Processing, Trade, Project Planning, Execution, Monitoring and Evaluation​

What Our Clients Say

If you are looking for quality & cost effective products without compromising yields then we can depend on Al-Muqeet Lab fertilizers & bio-pesticides.​
M. Razzaque Khokhar
Farm Manager
If you are looking for knowledgeable people to work with, these are the guys I highly recommend. Their friendliness and result-driven approach are what I love about them.​
Syed Muhammad Shah
A highly professional management with futuristic soil & environment friendly products helped to restore soil health & farm productivity of my saline & hard soils.​
Adnan Warraich
I am very happy that their products helped to significantly lower our cost of inputs, without compromising crop yield. We have seen significant improvement in quality of our soils & produce too.
Syed Noor Shah
Let's Make Our Farm Healthier!

 Our products are cost effective, highly efficient, ease of use according to the plant requirement, swift response of soil & plants, enhance productivity of sick soils, rejuvenate microbial life of soils & a way to move in regenerative agriculture production system. We also provide nutritional solutions to minimize risk from climate related damages to plants health & food production.

Bring Happiness to Home

Products with minimized  volatalization & leaching losses, reduced GHG emissions, healthy soils, safe & naturally fortified food.