About Us
Curtail rising cost of production, adversaries of synthetic pesticides, challenges of soil quality, climate change impact mitigation, diminishing input supply & alleviate food security threats.
Secure soil & environment health with the adoption of nature friendly technologies & highly efficient fertilizers reducing Green House Gases emission.
Quality & reliability of products with on-farm services to deliver best possible technologies & vision, minimize rural poverty, improve rural health & nutritional betterment.
Dr. M. Tahir Rashid
Director/ CEO
Soil and environmental scientist, agrologist holding 39 years of R&D and innovative solutions expertise in soil fertility, plant nutrition, reclamation of salt affected soils, remediation of contaminated soils, rehabilitation of degraded lands and brown fields, application of industrial organic waste materials to agricultural soils for nutrient recycling as carbon source, drinking, ground and surface water, fresh lake water monitoring for human, animal, and environmental health. He is on the list of referees of National & international scientific journals. An out of box thinker and a shareholder of “Envirolead Canada”.
Asif Mahmood Farrukh
Agricultural economist with exposure to national & international organizations since 1986. He holds privilege to dispense responsibilities as a principal advisor on agriculture, food security, agro based industries, innovative programs, research, academia, policy, trade, investment, gender, environment conservation, poverty alleviation & institutional development. He leads R&D, Q&A, vertically integrated plans of the organization. His focus is on development of scientific solutions based on better health- better nutrition for human, plants & animals. He is associated with professional diaspora, think tanks on sectoral development.
Dr. Syed Javaid Khursheed
Technical Advisor
A visiting professor with universities and institutions of chemical & biological sciences, an advisor with different think tanks on implementation, mitigation and development of CBNW with special interest on nuclear technology & nuclear energy organizations to mitigate climate change and achieve net zero emissions & SDGs. He is Secretary NMOn, IIASA (Climate Change Institute) Laxenburg, Austria, editorial board member of different journals on science & technology including bio terrorism and bio defense, USA. A visionary researcher on nano technology, climate change resilience, efficient fertilizers and biopesticide programs.
Why Choose Us
An outcome of more than 18 years of R&D across food & fibre crops in diversified agro-ecological conditions of Pakistan
Cost Effective
Products & technologies to ensure decrease in cost of production
Highly Efficient
Flexibility to apply nutrients as per plant stage to enhance harvest quality & volume
Threats Resiliance
Strengthen plant structure to address climate change adverseries & challenges
Farm Services
On farm advisory services with periodic reviews to work on emerging field issues
Bring Happiness to Home
Products with minimized volatalization & leaching losses, reduced GHG emissions, healthy soils, safe & naturally fortified food.